
must account

for nature




for nature

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Beautiful horizon with trees

We can’t afford to keep writing off nature as a free resource.

Equally, we can’t lock away all the critical ecosystems we have left, especially as so many of them need restoration and active management.

The path forward lies in redefining the relationship between business and nature. The key is investing directly in the people, with their varied skills and experience, who are doing this regeneration work. The solution is business models that inherently regenerate the ecosystems in which they operate.

This is why we’re validating a number of nature-positive business models that will finance The Quoin’s ongoing management and restoration.

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Our nature-positive models

Biodiversity credits

We’re adopting an emerging financial tool to fund the restoration of three degraded areas.
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Coming soon

Nature trails

A network of trails for nature walks and horse rides will make The Quoin explorable for nature lovers and forest bathers alike.
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Coming soon

Tiny homes

We’re working with Made by Bare to design homes away from home where people can reconnect with nature.
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Coming soon