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A big tree at sunset

We have the knowledge to reimagine the world’s economies — but it remains siloed.

We desperately need more collaboration.

The Quoin will be a meeting place for landowners, farmers, First Peoples, scientists and technologists determined to usher in a new era of land custodianship.

It will also be a place of experimentation and learning. We already have a number of active research projects and technology pilots. 

Together, we will reimagine the way we do business and manage land.

A brown plantA brown plant
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Ready, set, BioBlitz

Bringing together community and experts to identify, log and better understand The Quoin’s vegetation and natural values.

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Coming soon

Exploring innate predator recognition

Will the Bennett’s wallaby (payathanima) (Notamacropus rufogriseus) recognise and respond appropriately to the Tasmanian tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus)?

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Conservation quoll translocations

Conservation translocations have the potential to both reverse and diagnose population declines.

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Deploying IoT remote sensors

Deploying IoT remote sensors

The human sensory network tells us if we’re healthy. If we want to understand if nature is healthy, she needs a network too.

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Making AI-powered drone mapping accessible

Making AI-powered drone mapping accessible

A more accessible way monitor how landscapes respond to restoration projects.

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Oh snap, that’s a curious roo

Oh snap, that’s a curious roo

Using camera traps to deepen our understanding of The Quoin’s resident animals.

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Fantastic beasts and where to hear them

Fantastic beasts and where to hear them

Bringing radio astronomy techniques to bioacoustics to change the way wildlife is tracked.

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The power of a digital twin

The power of a digital twin

Gathering geospatial and biophysical data sets via lidar to map The Quoin like never before.

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Leaky weirs to turn back time
Leaky weirs to turn back time

Leaky weirs to turn back time

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Building natural structures to improve water filtration and absorption in Stocker’s Bottom.

Creating opportunities with biochar
Creating opportunities with biochar

Creating opportunities with biochar

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We’re creating biochar to store carbon and promote revegetation. 

Benefitting from fire
Benefitting from fire

Benefitting from fire

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We’re experimenting with ecological burns, and we'll be working with Tasmanian Aboriginal people to undertake cultural burning across the property.